PicoCTF 2023 - Writeup - Special
Technical 27-06-2023I have successfully finished PicoCTF's 2023 Special challenge in the General Skills category. I would normally not publish something like this, however after reading multiple other writeups (I like to read how others solved it after I'm finished solving the challenges), I feel like my approach was rather special and interesting.

My experience teaching middle schoolers programming
Personal 25-06-2023For the past year, I've led my school's programming course for middle schoolers. This year (2022-2023) my high school opened 4 courses in total - 3 for beginners and 1 for intermediate / advanced students. I lead the one for intermediate / advanced students, since I wanted to go over more complex stuff with them. Here's how it went.

Create custom rick roll link using Github pages
Tutorial 01-05-2023We've all been there, one of your friends asked you for some link and you couldn't resist the urge to send them a rick roll, however nowadays Rickrolling is becoming increasingly harder, as some people can recognize the link nearly instantly and text messaging apps show previews of the video. We, as programmers, need to make information about creating unrecognizable rick rolls more widespread and contribute our part to the community 🫡.

Completing Microsoft STC
PR 30-04-2023Microsoft Student Trainee Center is a selective program for high school students with a passion for modern technologies and a desire to pass on their knowledge. They/We are a community that shares their passion for innovation. I somehow got into this program two years ago and, here's how it went :D

Bruteforce default strava.cz login
Technical 27-04-2023One day, my friend noticed that when you get a strava.cz account, intentionally or not, username and password are the same - at least at the place we got our accounts from. Also, account's username is a number that goes up gradually - again, at least at the place we got our accounts from. We wondered how many people did not change their default passwords (being same as given username). This tool is a proof of concept .... or .... This is what happens when I get bored on saturdays .... ba dum tss (I am 100% aware that was a really lame joke)

Revision Books
PR 25-04-2023Another long-term project and once again for internal usage, but this one's special! Ok, now, close your eyes, and let your imagination off the hook. You have a company that functions since 1953. They have a legacy app (created in the 90s) that needs total rewrite from the ground up. This legacy app contains data since 1970s stored in dBase (before dBase it was excel, and before that paper, but somebody has already done that migration in 1998). You have around a year to migrate the data to MSSQL, create the new app and add new features. Welcome to my situation! I really enjoyed this rewrite, as it was unique and highly rewarding (even tho I'm usually against rewrites).

Winning UHK Hackathon 2022
PR 23-04-2023After placing at second place in Funovation Hackathon 22 a couple of weeks prior, we (team.devs) decided to compete on another level .... University hackathon (although there were primarily high school teams) and we won! This time the dream-team with the name team.devs (still very original :D) came in hot with a slightly different cast (Vojtěch didn't have time), this time it consisted of Me, Michal Vaniš, Daniel Beneš, and Jan Skládal. This is the story of how we got there :D

Attending Funovation Hackathon 22
PR 20-04-2023As you may know, I'm attending DELTA High School and when they announced that they were hosting a hackathon, I was all in!

PR 14-03-2023I really like incorporating existing AI's into my projects. To be honest, I tried developing AI's multiple time, and it's just (currently) not for me. This project is an example of me playing around with multiple AI's, mashing them together and creating something that helps gatekeepers at VPSR. This program repeatedly checks Main Gate camera, tries to find a car, and if it finds a car in a selected zone, it detects its licence plate and sends it right to the gatekeepers' app (picture + text). I have used two AIs as a base to achieve this, yolov7 and alpr-unconstrained. It was a really interesting project, and needless to say, it was a fun 2022 summer break!

Tank parameterization
PR 13-03-2023This web app is designed to help technicians test out different variables while preparing tanks without the need to manually calculate multiple hard calculations, ensuring that they know everything important about each tank. Because this software simplifies a lot of calculations, and shows it clearlly in it's UI, it significantlly reduces the chance of human error, saves technicians time, and ensures accurate tank preparation.

Lunch Ordering and Management System
PR 12-03-2023This program consists of 5 parts. A desktop application, that allows you to order lunches locally. Another desktop application that makes it easy to receive your food by using RFID chip associated with your name. A mobile app that allows you to order lunches from the comfort of your home. A web management system that allows HR people to manage lunches, export payroll deductions (subsidies included) and block some people from ordering lunches. Lastly, an automated task that runs twice per day and sends emails with orders for next day/week to company that's supplying the food.

Multi-Device Monitor and Control System
PR 11-03-2023I developed a program to control a factory with two parts: a desktop app to set up, manage and control IOT devices, and a website to generate graphs and analysis. The app turns devices on/off based on settings, such as heating the factory before workers arrive, locking doors in the evening and adjusting temperature in different rooms. The desktop app manages and website analyzes data from 21 temperature sensors, 5 humidity sensors and 33 I/O modules placed across the factory at VPSR. I published first version in early 2021, the program runs there to this day.

Robot-Assisted Laser Plate Processing
PR 10-03-2023VPSR faced an issue where their employees had to monitor the completion of lasered plates and manually replace them. This task took up nearly half of one employee's shift, causing inefficiency in their operations. To address this problem, they decided to purchase a Uarm Swift Pro robotic arm, which I programmed using Python.

Learn Azure Functions with 3 easy projects
Tutorial 15-02-2022Have you ever needed to create a simple REST API with a few endpoints or automated tasks? It's often impractical and slow to create an entire backend for these types of tasks. That's where Azure Functions comes in, cutting that process down to a few clicks.

How to install WSL
Tutorial 30-12-2021There are a lot of advantages of having a Linux system ready to use, whenever you need to. Personally, I rely heavily on WSL in my day-to-day life. Whenever I need to run something Linux-specific, it's as easy as opening a new terminal session. I also use docker for virtualizing some services, such as databases, which can use WSL to function faster.

How to explore Azure Web App files
Tutorial 10-05-2021Have you ever published a new version of your website to Azure Web Apps, but then no changes appear on the site? It might help to take a look into the server's files. But how do you get to them? Read more to find out.